sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

MediHelp - Engineering Project Checklist

What makes a Good Engineering Project?

1.-Your teacher may put some restrictions on projects . Have you met your teacher´s requeriments?

Yes, here you could say that the teacher is the leader of our project guide, but in this case the restrictions did not put them, if not the same project has its limitations already that is aimed at older adults.

2.-Is the topic interesting enough to read about and work on for the next couple months?

Yes, since the project is for the use of physicians, support people and older adults (patients) should look for diseases which may give to that age and types of medications used, but that already makes it the doctor in one part of the project add what is a button that gives the option of adding already be patient, doctors or users for the use of the system.

3.-Can you find at least three sources of written information on the subject?

No, the most that you can find information is about the kind of diseases that you may have at that age and that percentage of older adults use a computer either by necessity or by work.

4.-Can you think of a way to measure whether your solution is better than what alredy exists? it is always best if you can measure your improvement numerically: cheaper  in dollars, faster in time, etc.

No, since personally have not heard of a system that older adults can use it but also the medical and support staff.

5.-Can you desing a solution that is safe yo build , suse, store, and dispose of?

Yes, the system can be adapted so that seniors will make them easier to use the system.

6.-Do you have all the materials and equipment you need for your solution, or will you be able to obtain them quickly and at a very low cost?

Yes, although right now is seeing if it is made only as a project of class with a local server, or if it can be to upload to a server where everyone can see it.

7.-Do you have enought time to  complete your design and make it before the due date? allow time for doing additional research and fixing problems, it is very rare for everything to work correctly the first time.

No, as that this University in four-month plan there is no long time to do a deep research, but what I mean with that to that if you have errors on your I won't have long to find out where the error is.

8.-If you are planning to enter a science fair outside of your school:
  • does project meet all the rules and requeriments for the science fair? have you checked to see if your science fair project will require approval from the fair before you begin construction?

No, outside of school we don't have it thought, but what if we plan is presented at the fair, which is at the school every year, but this in such once and everything that depends on that works 100% throughout the project.

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